Cancer Multiple Myeloma

Transplant Update

I’ll admit it, I haven’t felt like blogging at all, and that’s why I haven’t updated this blog sooner. But here we are and here I am, so let’s get on with the update! At the end of April we were able to complete all of the shots needed to get my body to generate […]

Cancer Multiple Myeloma

Cleared For Takeoff!

Great news! After completing the 3rd chemo regimen, the latest bone marry biopsy shows that we now have the cancer under control enough to proceed with the stem cell transplant. This is a huge milestone! We now have a tentative calendar set… I’ll have a weekend admission for chemo treatment, a week of shots to […]

Cancer Multiple Myeloma

Of Mice and Men…

There’s something to be said of the added confidence that having a plan in place, with all of the comforting confirmations. Having dates and times set, location locked down, and all of the prerequisite steps lined makes you feel I like you’re on top of everything and ready for whatever test comes along. But the […]

Renal Health

Renal Health and Dialysis

A big part of my cancer fight has been dealing with its impact on my kidneys. During my initial hospital stay, a kidney biopsy showed that while I had greatly reduced kidney functionality, there was no scarring. This and the fact that I’m still making lots of urine leaves the hope that we can get […]

Cancer Multiple Myeloma

The Battle Plan

With the diagnosis in place, we turned immediately to the next question: How do we kick cancer’s butt? The diagnosis itself was a whirlwind of terminology that my brain just wasn’t ready for, so I figured the treatment plan would be more of the same. Fortunately, it’s a pretty simple plan on the surface: Chemo […]