Cancer Multiple Myeloma

Faith and Support

Everyone’s reaction to such a diagnosis is different. I have talked to friends that have very recent fencer fights of their own, as well as reviewing the accounts of other patients online. The emotions can be all over the map, as you might imagine. Some had lots of support, others decidedly went it alone and let few or nobody know until the fight was done. Different folks have their own ways of handling this type of thing, and you have to respect what works for them. Everyone’s journey is different.

The thing that has given me the advantage in this fight since day one is that I have not had one moment of concern over losing my life. From the talk of my kidneys not working well to the cancer diagnosis itself that is causing it, I haven’t worried at all. My attitude has been simple: find out what it is, make a plan, and start punching. My family has shared that same faith and peace that I have, and it is THE difference-maker in a fight like this. We trust God and knows he has this taken care of.

Furthermore, my support system is simply amazing. My wife has been keeping me on task, and even though I don’t like it sometimes she pushes me to stay on top of the fight. Not-so-little things like keeping me on my diet and making sure I don’t treat myself too much… picking up the slack for when I’m physically tired and need rest. She has been great!

Mom and dad flew in to visit and that time was priceless. While my natural family is pretty much all in Detroit, the love and support from afar have been needed and felt.

My church family has been amazing… we believe in the power of prayer, and it has been a constant flow of strength and encouragement. There isn’t a need that I’ve had that they haven’t been ready to meet.

An my work family… yep, family. Like most people, I’ve been in work environments where coworkers were just that, the company essentially saw you as another line on the spreadsheet, and that was that. It’s cold, calculating, and just is what it is. But that’s not where I am now.

My work family at WP Engine is nothing short of amazing. From day one, it was made crystal clear that I’d have all of the support in the world from them, and from both a personal and business standpoint, they had my back and I’d have nothing to worry about. When your peers show you love and everyone in your immediate chain of command all the way up to the CEO reaches out to you directly to affirm all of this and share their sincere love and energy with you, that’s some next-level stuff.

So even if I were to hit a point where I was to get weary or slack, I have so many fallback points ready to catch me and keep me upright that I have nothing to fear. I’m truly blessed!